The world that we live in honors success. Receiving an acceptance from a prestigious university, landing a job in a well-known organization, owning a multi-million dollar venture and so much more is appreciated and looked up to.
Achievements look and feel great. Failures however, dont. When someone fails at something, they don’t clog their social media feeds with it. They don’t host parties to tell all their friends about it. Failure is meant to be hidden, it is something that needs to be covered up, often becoming one’s core wound.
On numerous occasions, we do not pursue the people we love so dearly and the dreams that we have dreamed because we aren’t quite sure if we are ready to deal with rejection or failure if things do not work out.
Our failures make us despondent. The society we function in has lead us to have a certain perspective of failure. We translate short-term setbacks to lasting defeats.
Whether you are an entrepreneur, author, researcher or in any profession imaginable, you are going to come across failure or rejection in your journey to achieving what you have aspired to achieve. What determines whether you reach your destination or not is if you choose to rise above the temporary setbacks and soldier on.
So the question is, what if you could rise above failure and rejection and steer clear of the judgements and what possibilities will that create for you?
Here are my golden mantras to create a healthier approach to rejections, failures and judgements:
These mantras helped me rediscover myself when I did not understand what my relationship with failure or rejection was. And as soon as I did, I felt a sense of liberation. I felt like I was fearless and could walk confidently in the direction of my dreams. It is really important to create an understanding of your emotions and to analyse if your perspectives and ideas about things are your own or really borrowed. What if you could let go the judgements that hold you back? What if you are present with all the choices you make, without the fear of them not working out. What would it mean for you? How wonderful would it be if you could create so much and beyond merely because you decided to raise above the rejections and failures. Today, try these 5 techniques for yourself and see what magic you can create.Aradhana Tewari is a life and communication coach, and facilitator for several Access Consciousness special programs including Being You and Right Voice for You. She has a background in international business marketing, and media and broadcasting. Since discovering Access Consciousness, Aradhana has experienced whole new way of living and now travels the world, sharing her sense of purpose and joy with others. Follow Aradhana.